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About Us

About Art Basket

Artbasketindia is a premier online art gallery in India that connects artists and art enthusiasts through a simple process of buying and selling paintings, sculptures, handicrafts, and art materials. With a focus on promoting quality artworks by artists from all over India, offers a platform for artists and artisans to showcase their creativity and express their thoughts and ideas through breathtaking paintings, beautiful handicrafts, and intricate sculptures. Explore our exclusive collection and experience the beauty of art today.


Our mission is to bring the beauty of Indian art to homes and businesses around the world, and to support local artists by providing them with a platform to showcase and sell their work. Whether you're a collector, an interior designer, or simply looking for a special piece to brighten up your space, Artbasket India has something for everyone. Browse our online gallery today and find the perfect piece to bring life to your space!

Artbasket India's mission is to preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage of India through art. We believe that art is an integral part of any culture and has the power to bring people together, inspire and uplift.


Artbasket India envisions a world where the beauty and diversity of Indian art is celebrated and accessible to everyone.

We believe that art has the power to bring people together, to inspire and uplift, and to reflect the rich cultural heritage of a society. Our vision is to create a community of art lovers who appreciate and support the diverse artistic traditions of India.

We envision a future where Indian art is celebrated and appreciated not just in India, but around the world, and where art lovers can easily access a diverse collection of beautiful and unique pieces that reflect the rich cultural heritage of India.

Why Artbasketindia ?

There are several reasons why you should choose Artbasket India for your next art purchase:

Wide Selection of Art

Artbasket India offers a diverse selection of high-quality art pieces, including paintings, sculptures, handicrafts, and decorative items that reflect the rich cultural heritage of India.

Affordable Prices

Our commitment to quality and affordability ensures that you receive the best value for your money. We believe that everyone should have access to beautiful and unique art pieces, regardless of budget.

Support Local Artists

By purchasing from Artbasket India, you are supporting local artists and artisans, preserving traditional art forms, and contributing to the development of the Indian art industry.

Expert Curators

Our team of expert curators carefully selects each piece in our collection, ensuring that you receive only the best quality and authenticity.

Convenient Online Shopping

Our online store makes it easy and convenient to browse and purchase art pieces from the comfort of your own home.

Secure Shopping

Artbasket India values your privacy and security. We use industry-standard encryption to protect your personal information and ensure secure online transactions.

Excellent Customer Service

Our customer service team is dedicated to providing you with the best possible shopping experience. We are here to answer any questions you may have and assist with any concerns.

How Do I Order?

How Do I order on Art Basket

Browse for products or use the search feature

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Select suitable payment option(Cash, Master, Credit Card, Discover)

Your products will be home-delivered as per your order.

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